Many writing students have been with me since grade 9 & 10. Below are testimonials from an array of students and mentees with different academic goals and target colleges:

Hi Michele,
I've since heard back and received acceptances from all my graduate school applications, including Harvard and Yale! They are all my dream universities and the programs that I really want to pursue for my graduate study. . .When I was frustrated as a high school student, your support and patience helped and encouraged me the whole time. I have met many people through my studies in North America, but it's you who has really guided me! Thank you deeply!
Jessie Z (Harvard University & Yale Master Program Acceptance)

Dear Michele,
I can't believe that the first day you taught me was like years ago. Time really flies... I really love your teaching, it's so useful, to the point and you always know what I need...What should I say?! You are fantastic! If it wasn't for you, I could have been struggling for my LPI test. If it wasn't for you, I could have had a much tougher time learning this alien language. I am so glad you are teaching more and more students because there will be more students benefiting from you!
All the best. Tiffany W (UBC Engineering)(Now working with NVIDIA, California)

Hi Michele,
It's been a long time. Since our Skype last time, I was admitted to Harvard and Princeton and chose to pursue my studies at Princeton. Thanks again for your wonderful comments for my essay.I just want to reach out per our conversation last year regarding your video series on various vocations. Please do keep me in the loop, should there be anything I can do in support of the effort.
Wang ZR (Post-Professional Master Program Acceptance Accepted by Harvard University & Princeton, Studied at Princeton, Lectures at UPenn)

Hi Michele,
Thank you for helping J.L. He has been accepted to all the universities we applied to. He also received scholarships from six universities including UBC and University of Toronto. He will continue his studies at UBC Engineering next year. Please stay in touch. We are so happy!
L.L (Scholarships from UBC, U.T and Waterloo, Engineering)

Hey Michele,
I am happy to share this news with you. We did it!! I have received acceptances from MIT Master of Engineering and Stanford Master of Science both for Structural Engineering. I thank you very much for all your help all along!!! Without you, my ideals couldn't have been elucidated so clearly and therefore I wouldn’t have been able to convince any readers at all. I thank you, thank you and thank you. I am so glad that I have met you and been able to learn from you so much, especially when I was in Vancouver. I miss those days when I could sit on your couch and watch my sister go through her lessons. Wow -- Time really flies.
CYW (Stanford University, Engineering)

Dear Michele,
I just got my IB results. . .I got 3 full marks for my Extended Essays and TOK!! My two-year nightmare has ended! Thank you very much!! Have a great a weekend!
Linda C. (Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario)

Hello Michele,
I got a full score on writing for my SAT test! Thank you so much for the notes and all the help! I would never get that mark if you hadn't taught me! Have a nice summer!
Best, Jeanette(U.Penn, Wharton)

Dear Michele,
I just wanted to tell you the LPI topic that we had discussed and that I wrote about came out on the actual test. Thank you so much. I have since been accepted into police school (Justice Institute of B.C.). You can't imagine how excited I am about doing this course and about becoming an officer when I graduate. Thank you for your time and services.
Regards, Ray (Police Academy)

Hi Michele,
I couldn't wait to tell you that I got B- for my English course and a 20/25 for my Research paper. I am so happy about my grades because my instructor is really picky and doesn't often give a good rating. Without your help, I couldn't get this far. I really appreciate all your help.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Josephine S(Langara)

Dear Michele,
Thank you for having taught me for over a year now. Since then, my SAT score has improved by more than 400 points. All my friends in your class at school like you very much! Whenever I ask you a question, you immediately explain the answer to me in the most straightforward way. In addition to grammar, I love the way you teach writing. Through the process of discussing and editing essays together, I have gained knowledge in diverse fields, such as literature and philosophy. I appreciate that you delve into every student's strengths and identity. Besides English, you've helped me so much with my application essay and my portfolio. I like how you help make each student's application distinguishable from all others. Thanks to your encouragement and teaching methods, I have been admitted to the Architecture School of Cornell University. You don't give up on anyone and you have confidence in every student. Your faith in us pushes us to do the best in achieving our goals. Michele, you are the best teacher that I have ever encountered and your teaching will affect me for a life time.
Zhang (Cornell)

Dear Michelle,
Michelle, I PASSED MY LPI !!!! I would like to thank you for all your time and effort (especially for reading my messy hand writing). Without your help, I would not be able to pass this LPI exam). Btw Michelle, a friend of mine is also struggling with LPI, and he would like to have a tutoring lesson with you if you have some time. His name is ::: and I am going to give him your number so that he can give you a call when his finals are over.
Thanks again Michelle ! Edward H (UBC)

Hi Michelle,
How are you? I don't know whether you are still working at Elite or not. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I know where I'll be going...I'm going to Harvard University in Boston, USA!!! Can you believe it? All those days that we were in front of the computer grinding our brains for words...I just wanted to say thank you for all your help. I don't deserve to take all the credit for this, because I have received so much help and encouragement from others along the way. And you are one of them.
Again ,thanks and hope to hear from you!! Maria K (Harvard University)

Dear Michele,
You are the tutor I've had for the longest time! 5 years? I really have a big THANKS that I owe you. I truly appreciate your help in making me an A student (from being an F student). It has been a great pleasure to learn from you and even discuss PS2 with you! You are the superest-duperest awesomest teacher, the Michele with the cherry on the top!
Keep in touch. Jacky W (Cornell University)